Take Care Of Yourselves, It’s Wellness Wednesday! | The Positivity Project

Somedays, all we want is to eat junk and watch telly. But afterwards do we actually feel too good? Today’s ‘challenge’ is wellness. I’m going to try and be a little bit healthier, by not eating loads of my Easter chocolate today. And, keeping to Government regulations, I’m going out for daily exercise. Usually this is a walk with my family but I’m also doing a workout each morning, along with daily yoga. Only since isolation have I been doing this much exercise and I suppose it has benefits. It can be a struggle to wake up and get my workout done, but it’s worth it! If you’re looking for something to try out, I recommend:

Chloe Ting


Lucy Wyndham Read

Yoga With Adriene 

Joanna Soh Official

Here’s my go-to breakfast, porridge with banana! It’s really delicious and super good for you.

How are you going to stay healthy today? Will you have a nice homemade meal, or try a workout?

Hope you’re all okay! Don’t feel pressure to be healthy all day every day. We all have down days, and we sometimes need to acknowledge that. Sometimes the right thing for our minds is to just sit back and survive. Being alive is enough, you don’t need to be productive! Taking care of yourself is not baths and spas, it’s being mindful and doing what you need.

erin x

What Are These Daily Posts For?

Throughout these difficult times, a group of my friends on Instagram decided to form The Positivity Project. Created by Emily, this project aims for people to be more happy even in the most difficult circumstances. To launch this project, I will be posting every single day this week: updating you on the recent prompts and how to complete them. I would like you to head on over to Emily’s blog (and Instagram) because she is the amazing person who create this idea. If you are to complete anything I prompt you towards, or just something positive, let me know in the comments. Or take it a step further and tag me in a photo on Instagram! (@kittyjadeblog)



9 thoughts on “Take Care Of Yourselves, It’s Wellness Wednesday! | The Positivity Project

  1. I really need to work on this, as for the past few years I have felt like complete rubbish. My eating is horrid, and socialy I have no good connections. Worst of all I have gotten a regular of 5 hours of sleep per night, increasing my hallucinations and making me feel horrible. I really want to improve, but somehow I can’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m very sorry to hear that. Just to begin, I would recommend drinking a lot of water. Though I’m not a healthcare professional, I can guarantee that hydration is always a good start. Hope you feel better soon, and do talk to someone who can offer real help.


  2. Great post and your porridge with banana looks delicious! I’ll definitely check out some of your recommendations, I really need to get better at exercising 🙈 Take care and hope you have a lovely Wellness Wednesday! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Emily! It’s my absolute favourite. I’m not the greatest fan of workouts, however I know I need to do them. Start with Lucy, as the positions aren’t too strenuous! Hope you had a great Wellness Wednesday too. Take care x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Doing more exercise since the lockdown started, that made me chuckle. I don’t know why but I think of prison and how you stereotypically see people coming out having gained a lot of weight, or having become Arnold Schwarzenegger with the muscles after devoting their time to working out 😂

    I love this post and the positive focus on wellness, such a good one. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’ to make you feel as good as possible, and stay safe lovely xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Don’t worry, the exercise has been slightly contradicted buy the amount of baking and Easter chocolate I’ve consumed! The main aim though lockdown is to go out the same way as I walked in haha!
      Hope you’re well too, Caz. Though being active is really important, it’s also good to chill out and just take a breather. Stay safe too! x

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  4. I’ve been so lazyyyy! xD I used to do exercise every day when quarantine started, but I’ve stopped a few days ago and yea, haven’t gone back to it. Today I actually sweated a bit, because I tried to learn some choreographies of my academic group, but it needs to get a bit more intense than that. Thanks for the recommendations! I’ve been reading a lot about Chloe Ting lately, so I’m really interested in checking out the workouts. 😀


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